GNC Fellowships

Men’s Fellowship Shall:

i. Implement the Chapel Men’s Fellowship Policy and guide The Council in the review of the policy as the need arises.
ii. Mobilize, organize and coordinate all men in The Chapel and oversee the Men’s ministry of The Chapel by:
a. Being godly husbands, fathers and mentors to members of The Chapel.
b. Actively participating in all Chapel activities with their family members.
c. Being model for men in the University community and the society at large.
iii. Organize and coordinate Men’s Fellowship activities.
iv. Submit proposed annual budget and financial statement of accounts of the Unit to The Council through the Chapel Treasurer.
v. Submit half yearly written programme and report of performance to The Council.
vi. Perform any other duty(ies) as assigned by The Council.

Women Fellowship Shall:

i. Implement the Chapel’s Women Fellowship Policy and guides The Council in the review of the policy as the need arises
ii. Mobilize, organize and coordinate all women in the Chapel and oversee the Women’s ministry of The Chapel by:
a Being godly wives, mothers and mentors to female members of The Chapel.
b. Actively participating in all Chapel activities with their family members.
iii. Organize and coordinate Women’s Fellowship activities
iv. Be models of young sisters in The Chapel and interface with them in special programmes.
v. Be model for the women in the University community and the society at large.
vi. Submit to The Council a proposed written annual budget and financial statement of accounts of the Unit through the Chapel Treasurer.
vii. Submit half yearly written programme and report of performance to The Council.
viii. Execute any other function(s) as Council may deem appropriate.

Youth Fellowship: