Missions is a deliberate effort to bring the gospel to the world and ensure that people who have not received the gospel in manner that a local church that is self-sustained. “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And hoe shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach except they be sent? As it is written: how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring good tidings of good things” (Romans 10:13-15).

1.0 Mission/Evangelism
The present arrangement where missions and evangelism are in the same unit in accordance with the constitution (Article 6.5(x)) should persist for ease of administration. The evangelism sub-unit shall provide leadership in home-front evangelism, and the missions sub-unit shall provide leadership in reaching the unreached.

2.0 Structure/Membership
Both sub-unit shall be led by coordinators to be assisted by other officers as would be required. Membership shall be open to all members of the Goodnews Chapel, and shall be voluntary based on individual calling and vision, and express indication of interest. Each sub-unit shall determine their leadership.

3.0 Activities
3.1 Evangelism Sub-unit: the unit hall carryout the following

1 Prayer mobilization
2 Organization of evangelism outreaches on campus, door-to-door evangelism, crusade, printing and distribution of tracks, film shows, drama, tutorials, picnics, etc.
3 Organization of village outreaches with the aim of planting churches and strengthening village churches and ministries, medical outreaches to faculties and departments, and any other strategic outreaches
4 Visits to orphanages, prisons, remand homes, hospitals.

3.2 Mission Sub-Unit: this sub-unit shall carry out the following activities

1 Mobilize prayer for missions
2 mission awareness
3 adopt missionaries/mission fields
4 organize seminars on mission
5 receive any missionary that comes around

4.0 Funding
The activities of the unit shall be funded in the following ways
4.1 Ten percent of all regular offerings and tithes collections shall be dedicated to missions/evangelism.
4.2   Freewill donations clearly indicated for missions/evangelism.
4.3   Donations of useful items for missions/evangelism
4.4   Special appeals as per need.



In line with Hebrews 13:1-3” Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Remember them that are in bonds, as in bonds with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body, we the members of the provisions to guide, regulates and conduct our  affairs.

This policy shall apply to all members of the Goodnews Chapel Benue State University, Makurdi  and shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of its constitution.

To facilitate the implementation of the policy, members shall contribute bountifully to the welfare purse thus:
3.1 A date shall be set aside in a semester where the Chapel members shall be given prior notice to give welfare offering. On that day members shall be urged to donate money.
3.2 Chapel shall also be urged to donate from time to time and money that may be beneficial to the welfare of members as  they are led by God.
3.3 The welfare secretary shall apply for funds from the Chapel treasury to attend to welfare needs where the money drawn from the welfare offerings is exhausted or inadequate.

4.0 AIM
The aim of the welfare scheme is to ensure that the Goodnews Chapel, as a congregation, becomes where every members is cared for.

5.0     SCOPE
The scheme shall include celebrations, bereavement, farewell packages and indigent person. Members shall report needs to the welfare secretary of the Chapel directly.

These shall include occasions where any of the members is celebrating any of the following:

  1. The birth of a child
  2. Graduation
  3. Special anniversary
  4. Promotion
  5. Wedding
  6. Appointment /Achievement

The Chapel shall support him/her with any reasonable sum as the council determine from time to time. In the alternative, a befitting gift shall be sent to such a celebrant by the chapel. 

The Chapel supports her members with any sum as the council may determine from time to time in the event of death of any of the following:

  1. A member’s child
  2. A member’s parent
  3. Where a member dies, the Chapel shall support the family with a sum of money as the council may determine from time to time.

The Chapel shall hold a funeral service in respect of the deceased member in his or her residence.

  1. At least two Council members shall lead the delegation of the Chapel members to attend the burial.

Where a member is relocating to another town from Makurdi, the Chapel shall support him/her with any amount as Council may determine from time to time.
A Send forth service shall be organized for graduating students who are members of the Chapel. At that occasion, gifts shall be given to such graduating students as considered reasonable by the Chapel council.

The group of persons could be from within the Chapel or occasional visitors to the Chapel. Where a member is faced with grave financial challenges, the Chapel shall support such a member with any amount a council shall determine from time to time.
Other welfare needs that may are which are not categorically stated in this policy documents shall be dealt with by the Chapel Council through the welfare secretary as appropriate.

This policy document is subject to amendments on a simple majority vote of members present in the family meeting of the Chapel.

We the members of  Goodnews Chapel having and solemnly resolved to provide for and by ourselves this policy document do hereby adopt same for efficient running of the welfare scheme of  the Chapel.



  1. Basis of Membership
  2. Declaration of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour and Lord and no other
  3. Declaration of one’s faith in Jesus Christ must be made on individual basis. In other words, there shall be single membership registration rather than family registration. Single membership encourage a sense of responsibility and personal commitment.
  4. Children under 16 (sixteen) years shall be registered under their parents.
  1. Procedure for Membership Registration
  2. Completion and submission of Application/Registration form to the membership committee indicating one of the arms of the Chapel an applicant tend to join e.g. Men’s Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship, Final Year Brethren Forum, Prayer/Intercession Unit, Children Service unit etc.
  3. Processing of application form by the Membership committee and recommendation to Chapel Council.
  4. Consideration for admission of applicant by the Chapel council.
  5. Presentation to The Chapel congregation during a Sunday Worship Service by the Chaplain.


  1. Requirement for Membership
  2. A Member of the Chapel  shall not belong to any society or organization which do  the following
  3. Require or stipulate  the taking of oaths of secrecy
  4. Are blood binding
  5. Have teaching that contradict or profane the Word of God (e.g professing and believing that Jesus is not the only way to God);
  6. Engage in ceremonies and rituals that are profane, erotic, immoral, evil or contrary to the laws of God;
  7. Profess to save souls on conditions other than those stated in the Bible;
  8. Refuse all external examinations and are hidden under the cover of oath-bound secrecy
  9. have members swear to conceal each other’s crimes;
  10. Have members swear to deliver each other from difficulty whether their actions are right or wrong;
  11. Have members who do not believe in God the father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  12. A member of the Chapel shall participate actively in the activities of the Chapel and of the ministry unit of the Chapel to which he /she belongs.
  1.  Affiliation with Units of the Chapel

  No one can register in any of the Ministry Units without first being admitted into the Goodnews Chapel.

  1.  Benefits of Membership

 The welfare benefits for members are outlined in the Members’ Welfare policy of the Chapel.

  1. Cessation of Membership

Any member of the Chapel shall cease to be member if:

  1. He is living in sin, refuses to repent and is ex-communicated by the Chapel Council
  2. He resigns his membership in writing
  3. He dies
  1. Membership Application/Registration Form

Membership of the Goodnews Chapel, Benue State University, Makurdi is open to all those who declare their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour and Lord and to no other.


  1. Surname: ……………………………………………………………..
  2. Other Names: ……………………………………………………….
  3. Date of Birth: ……………………………………………………….
  4. Marital Status: ………………………………………………………
  5. Name of Spouse: (if married): ……………………………………..
  6. Number of Children: …………………………………………………
  7. Residential/House Address: …………………………………………
  8. telephone No: ………………………………………………………
  9. Home Town Address: ………………………………………………
  10. Office/Faculty/Department Address: ………………………………
  11. Matriculation/Registration No: (Students only): ……………………
  12. Years of study (Students only): ……………………………………
  13. Next of Kin: ………………………………………………………..
  14. Town/L.G.A: ………………………………………………………
  15. State: …………………………………………………………………


  1. Are you born again? ……………….. When? ………………………
  2. Have you been baptized by immersion? ………….. When? ………......

h) Who members swear to deliver each other from difficulty whether their actions are right or wrong? (Yes / No) ………………..
i) Whose members do not believe in God the Father, God  the Son and God  the Holy Spirit (Yes/No)……………………
28.   Whether your answer in 22 is yes (to any, some or all), are you willing to renounce and believe in Jesus Christ as your o0nly Saviour and Lord? (Yes/No) ……………..
29.   Signature of Applicant/Date ……………………………………………….
30.   Committee’s recommendation/Date ……………………………………….
31.   Chaplain’s Remark/Signature & Date: …………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….
32.   Chairman’s Remark/Signature & Date: ……………………………………